Monday, December 31, 2018

December Flying Carpet 2018

In December
The Flying  Carpet
remembered 2018 as
The Year of Zany
We were all eyes and ears
for the news

waiting for
the other shoe to drop

everything seemed unreal

off kilter
and broken
We wanted to escape 
into chocolate,
outer space,
inner space
As we come out of the daze
and enter into the days of 2019
The Flying Carpet
sends wishes for
many intriguing doors 
to open for you

Friday, November 30, 2018

November Flying Carpet 2018

In November the Flying Carpet shares
shrines of Thanksgiving 

and gratitude
and remembrance.

The Ofrenda is a shrine
created during the 
Mexican Day of the Dead celebration.
This home memorial,
created at Casa Perea by several people
to honor the recently departed,
shows Ann Murdy and her photographs
of Oaxaca Dia De Los Muertos.
These community
Dia de Los Muertos shrines
at the Museum of International Folk Art,
Santa Fe,
are artistic translations of this tradition.
In rural Japan
families celebrate harvest
with humble but eloquent displays
outside their homes
and practical, functional and exquisite
wrappings and hangings
like these drying persimmons
These sake barrel offerings 
at Meiji shrine, Tokyo
symbolize blessings and abundance
An offering of auspicious elements
in the stall of a fish seller
at Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo
magnetizes good luck.
Wandering through temples 
in Laos
our hearts are transported 
by so much glowing beauty.
Young monks are inspired and instructed
before the altar of their monastery
in Luang Prabang
The Flying Carpet
hopes these images 
will lift your spirits.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October Flying Carpet 2018

In October 
The Flying Carpet savors FRANCE
In the U.S. it's known as “window shopping”.
In France they call it “licking the windows”!
Don'cha love it?
Josephine Baker… 
lampshade mimi-skirt etc., etc., etc.,

 The Famous Autograph Store
Chippendale Mermen at Tittilandus
Scratch 'n sniff
Cimetiére de Montmartre
stained glass illumination

Musée des Arts et Metiers
Bat Flying Machine 
soars into mythological gingerbread
Nancy's Eco Dyed fabric collage 
in the atelier
church window reflection…
Workshop Field Trip!!!!!
This one’s for you, Nancy…
quintessential France Beauty…
Manoir de Lorrain  in NOCÉ
Albert in clown mode
Nostalgia window
across from
La Maison d’Horbé, LE PERRIÉRE
where we had an astounding time
“The eyes are the windows of the soul”
The Church of Saint Genest in LAVARDIN
Frescoes disappearing in time
Special thanks to:
Valery, Jen, Ann, Nancy, Lang, Nelly,
Rick, and our Mascot, Hairy
(Photo by Zack)
and  Zack

Saturday, September 29, 2018

September Flying Carpet 2018

In September
The Flying Carpet
saddled up and was rarin' to go to Texas
on a whirlwind trip

On the road, the wrecked billboards advertised blue sky
in the spaces between rotted boards and shredded ads

“Icy bridge” signs proclaimed unseasonable disaster

In Amarillo at the Coyote Bluff Cafe


translucent pack horses hauled neon beer signs

After a Texas shaped waffle for breakfast (!)
on the way to Dallas
“4,000 Cowboy Hats
20 miles ahead”

At the Turquoise Coffee Shop at Chillicothe

Cowboy and cowgirl silhouettes
sun-blasted plants
black thumbs

a sense of abandonment

We drove
 "Till the wheels fall off and burn”

No words needed

So glad I
 “waltzed across Texas with you”

Thanks to my sidekick, Zachariah


Friday, August 31, 2018

August Flying Carpet 2018

In August The Flying Carpet 
clicked it's heels together and heard,
“There's no place like home”

 Waking in the morning…
the garden after welcomed rain

Returning inside…
Looking though the door 

to the first collage studio

Entering the mysterious

Opening the drawers…
wondering what will change today?

 Trying to keep track of the daze

 Wandering back out the door

 To the main gallery space
where Zachariah's paintings
have been shown all month

Many visitors 
also seeing composite paintings
in his studio

And then back out to the garden
Good Morning!
How about a cup of tea?

"There's no place like home"

Special thanks to Zachariah
for collaborating 
on the studio/ gallery photographs