Monday, September 30, 2024

 In September
The Flying Carpet
was invited
to teach a workshop in
Burgundy, France

I Shop Therefore I am
in Paris

Rough and Smooth
in Paris

Ceiling of Heaven
in Saint Germain des Prés
Half Timbered Dream
in Noyers
Imagined Stories
in Noyers

Wasp Nest Church
in Vementon-Sasy

Sun Dagger
in Vezeley
Paper Phantasmagoria
in La Porte Peinte

Rust Never Sleeps
in in Vementon-Sasy

Surrealist Window
with Mechanical Lobster
in Vezeley

Special thanks to:
Nancy Wilson,
my dear friend
who keeps inviting me
to teach in France

Rick Harrison,
her collaborator in all things

and indescribable
workshop participants
Holly Krueger
Chris Spry
Tobi Toboada
Valerie Fahey

Nancy Wilson
has written an excellent blog
about the Workshop Experience
Artist as Traveler
Read Part 1 here:


and while you're there
check out her exuberant
Decorative Papers

Sunday, September 1, 2024

 In August
The Flying Carpet
did loop-de-loops to Denver

the Skyscapes were astounding

Trinidad… a town out of time
past the Smiling Pig 
Saloon and Smokehouse (!)
and the Time Capsule Antique Store
and the Shaggy Sheep Emporium
to Denver
Congratulations to Zack
on his one person show
at the William Havu Gallery
Lunch at Domo
“ on the road again”
in Fairplay
to Salida
where the deer roam
on the lawns of quaint houses
and the river runs through
and there's alley delight
Guadalupe in Antonito
and blessed rain in Ojo Caliente
Special thanks to
Bill and Sharon Havu