Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Flying Carpet 2017

In February,
the Flying Carpet
brings “Love in the Time of Sociopathy”
to an imagination near you...

Some of the characters are particularly fascinating
in their Valentine Fascinators
created during the 39th annual Valentine-a-thon

Arachnia of the Night Kitchen
drank tea

...while King Baudhuin The Magnificent observed

Our Lady of the Pajamas
in the Valentine Bed Head creation

dished with Miz Amoretto
bejeweled but not yet chapeud

while Anita Lolita del Tango
looked on with her Spectacular Specs

was not alone

but a bit windswept
sitting next to
The Mad Hatter who exclaimed,
“I’m late... I’m late
for a very important date...”
or was it the white rabbit?

Bird Watchers Anonymous
were taking it one smile at a time

Flapper Maggie
roared like a 20 something

While Resplendent Rhae
encouraged us all to get a grip

Valentina Grouchette
attempted to exhume the creative and hilarious
from the depths of the gravity of our time

other participants could not be captured by the
aggressive and energetic paparazzi...

but special thanks to Donna Cartier for capturing
the decisive moments of photos #10, 11, & 12